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Dead Line

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
So - Tony blew off yet another deadline.  I've started to send him "quotes that my grandfather used to say" in what I suppose is a passive aggressive way of saying, "Dude, what the fuck man?  Why do you suck so?" "you can shit in your footprints, but that doesn't cover your tracks..." "waiting for a man who can't read his own watch is like boiling rice in sand..." Spent the last day arguing by email with him.  Pages of it.  Funny - sort of. Tony:  ¡El burro sabe mas que tu! Angelo: solo un burro diria que. Read More

Goodbye to Analog

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011
Well - I think Tony has scheduled his studio time at Archer.  Got one demo back so far.  Slow going this. I think the title of the record should be Goodbye to Analog Snow White Snow Volume 1 I like pretending that we'll ever actually do the second half of the story.  Goodbye to Analog is the newest song - and I freaking love it.  From the woods to the field.  From the static to the glass.  It comes at a part when all three characters are sort of at a crossroads.  All three of them are sort of ready to give up.  And to escape this fact they ingest a rather serious amount of heroin.  The idea of the song is… Read More

“This Week”

Monday, November 28th, 2011
Well, here we go.  Tony promised demos "this week" which is now last week.  I respond as expected.  Tony says: Learning to balance working with you while ignoring you is my new, great challenge.  I will win.  You will win.  Happiness will ensue. He thinks I'm an unreasonable dick-head.  I believe that I am a completely reasonable dick-head.  Here's the thing.  I could really give a shit about Treadmill.  I mean - it's really not life or death.  It's not even tea and biscuits.  No one is camped out in my driveway waiting for the next Treadmill release.  But - if we're doing it, we should do it.  If I spent a bunch of time… Read More


Monday, November 21st, 2011
Trying to book some studio time and found out Tony and ML are due another baby... girl this time.  Huzzah!  Coming end of Feb.  Also got yest another grammar lesson from Tony. "you and ME talking on the phone"...good grief...start getting this basic grammar correct!  Just leave the other person out of the sentence to see how it sounds.  Come on, man...don't be one of those people that always says "I" because you think it's proper.  Your girls deserve better. my response:  You and I sounds better.  I'm just ahead of the evolution of language.  I'll bet you $10 that in 2055, You and I will be correct. Tony's excessive… Read More


Saturday, November 12th, 2011
Emailed Tony to start the whole dumb pre-album process with him.  On Leaving Ohio - he didn't want to do it and had to be talked into it.  Which I saw as a total waste of time.  The one thing I don't like about a band is that there are other people in it that you have to communicate with.  I'm not into that at all.  Anyway - his response was "Let's not waste time with silly bullshit..."  The thing is - when I am forced to communicate with humans - I tend to enjoy a heavy dollop of silly bullshit.  But okay.  I threw a few of the demos onto the iDisk for him.  The plan is that he does some drum demos, send them to me -we go back… Read More