Treadmill Trackstar

Quietly making loud music

Leaving Ohio


Leaving Ohio

ALBUM AVAIL FOR REVIEW HERE NOW! (zip file download)

NEW RECORD: Leaving OhioLeaving Ohio

Comes out March 1.  Recorded at Augmented Fourth Studio in Asheville, NC and recorded and mixed at Archer Avenue Studio in Columbia, SC by Kenny McWilliams.

Leaving Ohio tells the tale of a man trying to get on with life after his long time mate drowns in the Ohio River.  The album explores the question, “if an unexamined life is not worth living, what does it mean when the person who examines your life is gone?”  There is also a creepy Southern Gothic plot line that flows throughout.

The band left the electric instruments in their cases (mostly) for this one.
Dan Cook (Verna Cannon, Lay Quite Awhile) and Susan Cramer (SC Philharmonic) lent their talents on violin and Mako Fujji recorded some didgerdoo for the record in Fukuoka, Japan.  Angelo performed with Mako while doing a few solo gigs in Japan in 2010.

The record is avail on iTunes and and for FREE download at

The Treadmill Trackstar / undefined Magazine Southern Gothic Poetry Contest

One of Treadmill’s new goals in life is to find a way to be a band that doesn’t care about anything other than making the next record.  But it’s tough making expensive records with this setup.

The band put a call out to fans for ideas on how to raise money for Leaving Ohio.Carrie Graves emailed right away, “What about a poetry contest?” The band teamed up with undefined Magazine and took submissions.  The entry fees helped fund the record.  The winner was Kendal Turner whose poem Ghosts will appear in the next issue of undefined.  The band looks forward to collaborating with Kendra on setting her poem to music and to her reading at the release show. More info here.

New Music Videos

Treadmill has one new music video at

And here’s an appearance Angelo did on Chit Chat with M & M


Treadmill Trackstar Archive Avail for Free Online

Treadmill has put eight records spanning about twenty years of music from the band and its members all the way back to Root Cellar.  It’s all available for free to anyone who wants it and more material is expected to surface.


The Next Album

The band is seven songs into their next record Snow White Snow and continue to thoroughly enjoy the most creative and prolific period of their long as shit existence.

Treadmill Trackstar is a not for profit band interested in music for music’s sake.  No band member ever receives any money from concerts, merchandise or anything else.  All funds go toward recording the next project.  Our hope is that we can keep making records in this way for years to come.

Leaving Ohio Album Cover Photo: Photos:

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